Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Please pray for my laptop.

It started acting up yesterday. The screensaver froze and it went downhill from there. It is currently down in the dungeon with my IT geek husband trying to be backed up and resurrected. I'm sad and lonely and afraid all my pictures will go buh-bye. Harumpf. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm reminded of the Sex and the City "you don't back up?" scene. Buggers

Yesterday was a good day for the clan. We spent the morning at the park with a bunch of friends. I ended up looking like a science experiment after all the static I generated going down the plastic slides. My hair was sticking straight up and out. And, seriously, plastic slides? What the hell? I hate them. I survived the metal ones. They are a helluva lot faster and more fun. I even survived plummeting down a greased metal slide, rocketing off the end of it, and landing on the asphalt littered with teeny tiny pieces of cinder from the incinerator. I feel like my kids are wrapped in bubble wrap the way the world is now. So, BRING BACK THE METAL SLIDES!

From there we had lunch at a fave pub and strolled about the 'hood. I logged a couple of miles on the ol' tootsies. Woo! And, I have a tennis date tomorrow. It's been forever, it feels, since whacking the fuzz off of some lil' yellow balls. I miss it! Our summer schedule will have all the bugs worked out of it next week and I can get back to the norm. On the upside, Mt. Laundry has taken a serious hit this past week and I can actually see the bottom of two of the bins in the laundry room. WOOO HOOOO! However, I did blow the no shopping thingie. How could I pass up a great sale at nice boutique? Yeah, I couldn't.

Booooooo hissssssssssss as my doc told me that the stupid rib was probably gonna hurt forever whenever it rains. Grrrr. That would explain why it has been hurting like mad here of late with all the rain in the Midwest. Eh, at least between it and my knees, I'll know when to duck and cover from storms and when to bust out the rainboots. Nothing quite like being your own walking, talking, breathing Weather Channel. At least you will never catch me standing outside in a slicker, clinging desperately to a street sign ala Jim Cantore! He's an odd one. Anyway, she did say what is probably causing me pain right now is the connective tissues still repairing and healing and that should lessen as time goes on. Getting old sucks. The rebound time is awful.

Whelp, that is about all time I can stand plunking away at my very slow, old laptop!


Al's CL Reviews said...

I'll think good thoughts that your laptop/pics are ok.

Yasmin said...

I am praying away. I was in tears (yes I pretty much broke down) when my last computer went caput.

I was creating a presentation for a job interview, but that took a backseat to all my pictures.

And I still don't really back my stuff up...

Julia said...

Ugh, that's the worst feeling when your computer goes. You just reminded me I have to back up all my photos.

I was laughing about the metal slides. I just remember they would get so hot in the sun that the back of your legs would fry. Good times, good times...

Delane said...

Hanging out with B and a picket sign with "BRING BACK METAL SLIDES" written on it.