Monday, July 21, 2008


So, after a couple of weeks off while my tennis coach was working at another club, I hit the court again today. I can tell, already, that getting out of bed tomorrow could be a major undertaking. My knees are throbbing. The shoulder in my right arm is creaking and groaning like an old screen door with rusty hinges. My plantar fascitis has reared it's ugly head. I'm fairly confident that I smell. However, I'm quite happy right now. Stupid exercise and the resulting endorphins.

Life in da' hood has been good. I'm taking another photography class. This time, I have to deal with humans though. I'm not sure how I feel about that. ~grr~ However, I do have a captive audience in my children. Getting my son to not ham it up is impossible though. The All Star break is over THANK GOD and my boys of summer are back to playing ball. It's a weird, weird feeling around here with them solidly in first at the halfway point and looking so good. I keep wondering what the temperature is in hell!

My daughter tried on her uniform last night. *sob* Her little plaid jumper and plaid pants. Yeah, nice, eh? Plaid pants. Thank God she is tiny 'cause there are few females that look good in plaid pants. The next few weeks will be filled with collecting the appropriate knee socks, tights, shoes. I can't believe I have a kindergartner. And, my son starts preschool. That's right is no longer baby fat. It is officially just fat now. It's mine and I have to own it. Stupid fat. After the tennis and running sabbatical, I guess I shall get back to the grindstone.

Can I just say that the juice in the hot dog package really grosses me out?

1 comment:

Ang said...

ummm plaid pants?

Hell they did not even do that to us when we went to St. Nick's ...poor kids.