Thursday, April 22, 2010

Four weeks out...

Tomorrow, I am going to play tennis. Well, attempt to play tennis. I can't stay away anymore with this ankle. I missed so much this winter with my illnesses, the kids' illnesses, travel, randomness, and then the ankle just when I get back to the groove. My coach knows the story and promises he won't abuse me. Thankfully, I trust him and know that he won't.

My mother, in true mother fashion, told me (basically) that I was just plain stupid to get back on it in such a short time frame. Uh, a month Mom! I'm pretty sure Venus or Serena would not have sat out a month. I refrained from saying this, though, for fear of unleashing her "those girls are on steriods", which may or may not be true, diatribe. I really should stick to Billie Jean King or Chrissy Evert Lloyd references in the future! Truth be known, I think she is worried about next weekend when she is coming up to meet the kids and I at Tulip Time in Holland, MI!!! :) I bought an ankle brace which now brings the number of assorted braces contained within this household to about 37! I'm hoping that helps and if nothing else, I guess I will serve for an hour. And will probably end up needing brace #38 for the shoulder if that comes about...

1 comment:

Delane said...

Have fun, make sure to ice it afterward even if it doesn't hurt. It will help ...say the girl with the dislocated knee 18+ times.