Thursday, April 22, 2010

Four weeks out...

Tomorrow, I am going to play tennis. Well, attempt to play tennis. I can't stay away anymore with this ankle. I missed so much this winter with my illnesses, the kids' illnesses, travel, randomness, and then the ankle just when I get back to the groove. My coach knows the story and promises he won't abuse me. Thankfully, I trust him and know that he won't.

My mother, in true mother fashion, told me (basically) that I was just plain stupid to get back on it in such a short time frame. Uh, a month Mom! I'm pretty sure Venus or Serena would not have sat out a month. I refrained from saying this, though, for fear of unleashing her "those girls are on steriods", which may or may not be true, diatribe. I really should stick to Billie Jean King or Chrissy Evert Lloyd references in the future! Truth be known, I think she is worried about next weekend when she is coming up to meet the kids and I at Tulip Time in Holland, MI!!! :) I bought an ankle brace which now brings the number of assorted braces contained within this household to about 37! I'm hoping that helps and if nothing else, I guess I will serve for an hour. And will probably end up needing brace #38 for the shoulder if that comes about...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not broken, but slow healing...and a good dinner!

The ankle is still swollen. Not profusely, but enough to make me feel like I'm sporting a cankle. That and to feel rather lopsided. When I get fat, the few things that don't get fat too are my ankles and feet. Not so for my right one right now. It is finally warming up here and I want to wear capris and I'm sporting the cankle. Would it be wrong for me to stick a post it on it stating "I was recently sprained. Don't judge me."?!?!? On that note, I've long since forgotten how long it takes to recover from a sprained ankle. Pisser.

I made an awesome dinner tonight. Very simple, but very tasty. I had stir fry in mind, but thanks to some brain bombs from a friend, I decided to spice and herb it up. Fab-U-lous! I diced chicken tenderloins and soaked in Trader Joe's Island Soyaki sauce for an hour. Heated up a bit of roasted garlic flavored olive oil and dumped the soaked chicken and soaking juices (?) into the wok. Seared for a quick two minutes and turned down heat and let slowly cook a bit. To that, I tossed in onions and tricolored bells. Then some Sriracha, a twice round the wok dose. Two dime sized squeezes of basil in tube. Don't judge me! It's all my grocery had!!! I taste tested a bit down the road and decided more herby sweet and another quarter sized squeeze from the basil tube. All stirred until the bells were crisp tender. And it was GOOD. Better than take out...and much lower fat, calories. I ate mine sans starch (rice/noodles) and did dinner at around 200 calories. YES!

Monday, April 5, 2010


Yea! The ankle, not broken. I called the doc and finally got in. Of course, not to my regular doc, but rather to see someone with the personality of a toad. Actually, that is degrading to the toads across the world. Thank heavens, he is not my regular doctor. Seriously, a sense of humor never really killed anyone.

As I suspected, I had to have xrays and then wait for radiology to talk to Dr. Zero Personality and then wait for him to get back to me. All told, about 24 hours after my appointment. Not too shabby in today's world of wait and see, I guess. What I find particularly irksome is that he told me on Thursday that, if it wasn't fractured, it was definitely a grade two sprain. He then said there was no point in wrapping or taping it. No point in icing it, even though it swells up at the end of the day. And, ibuprofen is really pointless, despite the fact that it is still painful. Alrighty, then.

Friday evening, he calls me and tells me that it is not broken and I ask him again, what to do about managing the pain, the swelling, the weakness in the joint and was told nothing. This all sounded off to me so I turned to my trusty friend, Google. And, eventually, I landed on some rather official looking site that had to do with the American association of ortho docs of some sort. That site along with several others said that a grade two sprain should be wrapped, taped, or preferably put in an air cast. Ice for swelling. Anti-inflammatory as necessary. Dude. Seriously? And one of sister in laws, a RN, was not happy either. I really don't know what was wrong with this guy, but I do know when my opinion form comes in the mail, it won't be returned favorably.

Today for several hours, I was able to walk with no limp! Of course, to me, this means I'm ready to get right back on the tennis court. But, I won't. As I sit and type now, it is throbbing and aching and feels like someone has a vice grip on my ankle bone. So, I guess I'll be taking it easy. And, there goes another Race to Wrigley 5k out the door for me. I now own more t-shirts for the Races I didn't run than those that I did. :( I'll get 'em next year. I hope. As for tennis, I'll take this week and possibly next off. See how I feel. Watching Roddick win the Sony Ericsson this weekend was brutal. I want to be back on court! With that, back to the marathon spring cleaning. I figure if we aren't going anywhere, I might as well make the slave labor, uh, I mean kids, useful this week!